Does your marketing game seem to be lacking? You’ve got the blogging skills down, the perfect website design, great content, but you still seem to be missing something and you can’t quite put your finger on what it is.

The answer is simple. Customers.

Ask any business owner what they need more of, and the answer will always be customers. Whether you’re trying to get your business off the ground or trying to increase sales and productivity, the most important part is attracting enough traffic.

In this article, I’m going to show you 5 new ways to help you tackle marketing your website.

Social Media

You’ve got the great content, but it’s not enough to hope that people will find it. You have to put yourself out there and advertise.

Did you know that there are 1.47 billion active Facebook users daily? Twitter has over 500 million tweets per day and Instagram has over 600 million monthly active users.

Social media is booming, and it’s time to get on board. Your first step is to create accounts with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You’ll need to be sure that your content is updated regularly, or you will actually do harm to your client traffic.

Show your support. Get involved with your community and post about it. Is there a national disaster happening? Set up a donation page and let the world know you’re there and you care.

It’s also important to have links to social media so your customers can share your content. If you set yourself up right, you will have your customers doing the marketing for you, and the more traffic they bring in, the more marketing you will have.

An easy way to help boost your tweeted content is to set up a click to tweet link. Find some kind of content on your page that’s “tweetable”, this could be a quote, statistic, or strategy, and link up the instant tweet.

Remember that it’s not enough to set-up your channels once, you have to stay current and constantly update, just like the rest of the social media community.

On page SEO

What is SEO? This is an acronym for search engine optimization.

Performing on-page SEO is the act of increasing your rank with search engines (like Bing, or Google), therefore increasing traffic flow. There are many SEO tactics you can use to accomplish this.

Have you ever googled something but didn’t find what you were looking for on the first try? You probably just rephrased the words you were searching. Very few people actually go to page 2, and even fewer people will go to page 3.

The idea is to have your web pages displayed on the first page of Google and other search engine.

Optimizing SEO tactics is the best way to increase organic traffic to your site.

Long-Tail Keywords

You’re probably already using keywords for your SEO, but have you considered long-tail keywords?

What are long-tail keywords? These are those short phrases, usually 3-5 words, that are very specific to the content you are marketing.

These are the phrases that people will type into a search engine when they are looking for something specific, whether it’s a certain product or an answer to their question.

For example, let’s say someone is looking for beaches to visit on their family vacation to Florida. They might search for something like “best beaches in Florida” or “beaches you have to visit in Florida”. They don’t want to see a blog about lakes, or beach clean-up projects. This client is looking for something specific. In this scenario, “best beaches in Florida” would be the perfect long-tail keyword.

Long-tail keywords account for the majority of web searches. So if you’re not utilizing this tactic for marketing your website, then you are seriously missing out on a whole other world.

Internal Marketing

This is where you need to be your own advocate.

Internal marketing is an SEO technique where you link one piece of content on your website with another. We’ve talked about getting more people on your site, but now we want to keep them.

Let’s say someone does find your website after they googled about the best beaches in Florida. They read your article and then move on, forget about your site, and keep searching. You know that they’ll love your piece on “fun beach activities for the family”, but how do you get them there?

Internal links, is the answer. Internal linking is when you put links for other pages on your website onto one of your own articles.

It’s important to be aware of what anchor text you are using for the internal links. The anchor text is what the customer will read, and what ‘anchors’ the link. Make sure the anchor text is descriptive enough that the customer knows what they’re clicking on.

To get them to view your piece on beach activities for the family, you may consider your anchor text being “fun beach activities”.

Be careful not to overdo it, because too many links on a page are hard to read, and honestly just annoying.

Get On A Podcast

No, I’m not saying you should start your own podcast. We’re trying to increase traffic to the website you already have, not start a new one. What I am saying is to guest star on someone else’s podcast.

Podcasts are exploding. It’s a marketing medium that many people haven’t considered, which gives you a bit of a head start.

Guest starring on someone else’s podcast can help both parties. You will be sharing an audience with the podcaster, and they will be able to use your content to boost their own ratings.

Ready for the bonus? You will usually get a backlink in the podcast notes. Who cares about that? There’s that SEO again, boosting your search engine rankings.

Marketing Your Website

Marketing your website doesn’t have to be a beast. It doesn’t have to be scary. You just learned 5 simple but effective marketing strategies to help you boost your overall SEO ratings and client traffic.

Don’t forget to constantly update your website and content (including old blog posts!)