When it comes to marketing your business, you have a number of options. There are different types of marketing available to ensure that your business has the best chance of being seen in an overly competitive market. You need to make sure that you are using the ones that are going to benefit your business the most, and this means that you need to be aware of what they are, and what they mean.
You may have heard of SEO, but wonder – what is SEO marketing? SEO stands for search engine optimization and is one of the most common types of marketing. Essentially, SEO is responsible for getting your content or website to rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher you rank, the more likely your site or content is to be seen.
It’s important to keep in mind that there are some subcategories of SEO, such as Local SEO services, and there are plenty of companies that can help you work out how to use this to your advantage. When considering local SEO, there are location-specific things you should do, such as geotag your business so that when someone types in a specific keyword related to your business, and the location that you are in, you are one of the first businesses to appear.
Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is another big player in the game, and it is also still rising. Social media became popular over a decade ago, but only in the last few years have businesses made a push toward using it to market their company. When it comes to social media marketing, it’s best to have a profile on each of the main platforms. This means Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Youtube.
You get a broader reach when you use social media because you allow other people the option to share the content that you are putting on your page. People who aren’t following you or even looking directly for your service will come across you posts, putting yourself out there in front of a completely different target audience to what the rest of your marketing campaign targets.
Content Marketing
Content marketing is a form of marketing that is focused on creating and publishing content for a targeted online audience. There are plenty of places online that you can post content for people to see, and when looking at the variety of options, it’s not surprising to see how content marketing is changing the game. Not only can you put content on your blog and website, but you can also use your content on social media platforms. In fact, while there is a significant difference between social media marketing and content marketing, the two work very well together.
We do recommend that you always make sure that the content you are publishing is relevant and interesting. Having relevant, interesting content on your site helps keep users engaged and also helps improve your overall search engine rankings. When working on content marketing, it’s also important to use keywords that are relevant, regularly searched, and offer as low competition as possible.
As you’re considering content marketing for your business, keep in mind that it’s important to offer fresh, relevant content regularly. If you struggle to come up with content topics that are relevant to your business, a brainstorming session can be beneficial. You could also consider working with a marketing team to help ensure that you’re on the right track.
Paid Marketing
Paid marketing, like it says in the name, is a type of marketing that you have to pay for, generally by the number of clicks on your link or the number of times your ad is shown to potential customers. Some of the most popular paid marketing platforms are Facebook ads and Google Ads.
Paid marketing is a great way to get potential customers to your website quickly. However, it’s also important to remember that with paid ads, as soon as you turn them off (stop paying for the advertisement), you won’t be getting traffic from that source any longer. Depending on the keywords you are targeting, paid ads can also get very expensive, very quickly.
Digital Marketing
When we say digital marketing, technically each type of online marketing is digital marketing. However, we’re choosing to focus this section on website design. While some don’t see website design as a way of marketing your business, it is. The way your website is designed tells users a lot about your business, helping them to decide very quickly whether or not they are going to use your business.
If you have a cookie-cutter site that looks the same as every other one out there, then you’re not going to be noticed. The whole point of marketing is to advertise your business and to stand out among the crowd. This is important to understand when it comes to your website design as well.
Whether you’re looking for SEO services in Toronto, you want to know more about the differences between social media marketing and content marketing, or you simply have questions about the different ways that marketing can help your business, we have you covered. nuBranch Media offers a variety of marketing and website design services to help elevate your business to the next level. Contact us today for more information on how we can help improve your business.